Purchase of an advanced driving simulator STISIM Drive M300WS-OT Desktop System for Loewenstein Rehabilitation Medical Center
In central nervous system injuries and diseases, which often have motor difficulties as well as cognitive disorders, a question arises about the ability to continue or return to driving. Driving is an essential function for human independence, for maintaining mobility, for functioning in the community, and for preserving self-image and the feeling of competence.
We do not wish to unnecessarily deny the person who is injured or ill the right to drive. Continued functioning is essential for maintaining quality of life and personal well-being. Concomitently, people whose ability to drive is affected are at risk of causing critical and irreversible harm to themselves and their environment.
The Need
When a doubt arises as to the patients’ ability to drive, they are referred to the driving clinic at the Occupational Therapy Department of Loewenstein Rehabilitation Medical Center. There they undergo an assessment that includes a battery of cognitive tests, a driving simulator test, and a practical driving assessment by a driving instructor. Based on this assessment, the occupational therapist recommends to the patient (and to the patient’s treating physician) whether to continue or to stop driving.
The simulator is an important component of the evaluation because it provides a safe environment for testing various motor and cognitive abilities, such as attention, reaction speed and accuracy, basic coordination, as required for driving. It is important that the simulator reflect a real driving experience. In doing so, the simulator will enable a precise assessment as well as a chance to practice and take part in driving rehabilitation.
The simulator in question, the STISIM Drive M300WS-OT Desktop System, provides a realistic environment that requires driving skills very similar to those in an actual vehicle, but without being on the road.